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SIGN UPUpdated on: December 17, 2019
All subscription are recurring until cancelled. You have full control over your account and you are able to cancel within your account.
Members create their own subscriptions. If you are having payment issues on your account such as duplicate charges, this could be due to issues with updating an expired account or technical issues upon registering. If you do notice that there are multiple charges for the same month, please contact us by emailing[email protected]along with your username or email associated with your account so we can investigate the issue.
If you would like to cancel your subscription to MYMP3POOL, please make sure you cancel at least 48 hours prior to your next recurring payment to ensure that a payment is not processed on your account. You can cancel your account at any time and will still have access to your account for the full 30 days you paid for. MYMP3POOL does not issue any refunds for any payments that have already been applied and are not responsible for canceling accounts.
If you contact us and we find that you are owed a refund due to any discrepancies/duplicate billing on your account and it is approved , please allow 5–7 business days for MyMP3POOL to process the refund. Please allow at least 3-5 days for the refund to return back to your credit card on record from your original payment. If your subscription was paid with PayPal, your refund will be sent back to the same PayPal account used when subscribing.
MYMP3POOL does not issue any refunds for any payments that have already been applied and are not responsible for canceling accounts. We are not responsible for non use of the site and there is no Proration of any payment.
MYMP3POOL does not issue refunds unless it is an issue of duplicate billing.