Kid Koala Kicks One More Thing Off His Bucket List
Kid Koala says that he’s taken this routine all over the world. But this Vancouver-born, Montreal-based DJ has never performed it … in a car. Not wanting to leave anything on his bucket list (I guess), Kid Koala, née Eric San, did just that.
San set up his equipment on the back seat of a Chevrolet Spark … a really small car! He donned his “suit”, and began scratching while the driver cranked the heat and chauffeured him through the streets of downtown Toronto on a cold winter’s day.
What he creates here is totally awesome. I love how he scratches through this video. More than that, though, is the way in which the video editing managed to fuse the emotions elicited by the music and the images. Kid Koala and his team managed to tour this beautiful, vibrant city on a wintery and grey, overcast day cutting in images of some of the grimier buildings against some of the city’s bright and modern landmarks. The eerie sounds Kid produces in the back of the car cast a kind of pall over the city giving it a down-and-out feel that isn’t there when you actually walk its streets. It’s a tribute to how art can create a perspective of a place or a person that’s not always immediately visible to the eye.
Check it out here and let me know what you think.